::GLOBAL::  "Keeping the vibe real and true to the music." -Kevin

Monday July 8th

Kevin Saunderson (www.worldofdeep.com)
Reggie Dokes

AND, as if that is not enough for you, we have some birthday's in the house 
this Monday.  HBD to our beloved boys, Josh Glazer,
Derek Plaslaiko and Robert Gorell.  As an added treat, Derek will be spinning 
in the front room from 12-2am.  (All I can say is...be

Thanks again to all those who have been coming out each week and supporting.  
Global will continue weekly through August.  If you
have not made it out yet, please come and share in the amazing vibe and music.  
We are very spoiled to have Kevin all to ourselves
this summer, but, catch him while you can...he will soon be on the road touring 
and won't be back in Detroit for awhile!

The Works Detroit
1846 Michigan Ave. @ Rosa Parks
2 blocks west of the old Tiger Stadium
18 + w/ valid photo ID
doors @ 10pm-2am??
$7 till 11 / $10 after

Coming up in July:

July 15 Kevin Saunderson
                Kenny Larkin

July 22 Kevin Saunderson
                Mike Huckaby

July 29 Alton Miller
                + special guest

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