Please forward this to everyone you know! This is very important, please
follow the instructions of this e-mail!

Do not let the small mindedness of the few trying to pass this law effect
your way of expression and entertainment! They can wage a war against
drugs all they want but they should not be allowed to decide how, when,
and were we can go for entertainment. This will also make it very hard for
many of us to make an income! If your neighborhood had a problem with
roaches would they kick you and all your neighbors out and condemn your
house? No, they would get rid of the roaches! Don't let law enforcement
and politicians pass these laws. They need to learn to do their jobs
better not make up more laws to restrict our rights or create hype to
justify why they need to keep getting a paycheck or raise their salary!!!

Don't let "Footloose" become a reality!

following alert to your friends and family. The Senate needs to know that
voters find this bill unacceptable. This bill could halt musical events
such as raves, dance clubs and music festivals. The Senate is poised to
pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut
down raves or other musical events and punish innocent business men and
women for hosting or promoting them. The Bill, known as the Reducing
American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just introduced in
the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate Judiciary
Committee. It is moving VERY rapidly and could be passed by the Senate as
early as next week. Worse still, the Senate leadership considers this
draconian drug war bill to be so uncontroversial that they are trying to
pass it under "unanimous consent" rules, which will mean no debate and no
real vote. It is absolutely vital that your Senators here from you today.
They need to know that this bill is a danger to civil liberties and is

********TAKE ACTION - IT'S EASY********

Go to this site and fill out your info:

It will take you only a minute to fill in your information, the letter is
already written - all you have to do is hit send and it will be
automatically faxed to your local Senators. Please forward this email and
get the word out so this bill DOES NOT PASS!!!

********YOU CAN ALSO********

--Call your Senators and tell them to stop S. 2633, the Reducing
American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act from becoming law. Tell them that
innocent business owners shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their
customers. Tell them this bill has dangerous anti-civil liberties
provisions that they need to be aware of, and this bill deserves serious
debate. You can contact your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at
202-224-3121. To find out who your Senators are go to:

********MORE ON THE BILL********

Background: Senate Bill 2633 is an attempt by legislators to reduce the
illegal use of ecstasy by re-writing Title 21 U.S. Code Section 856 (aka
the "crack house law") so that it can be easily used to shut down
electronic dance music events. S.2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin
(D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA) and Leahy (D-VT), would greatly
expand the so-called "crack house statute" and potentially subject
innocent business men and women to enormous fines if customers sold or
used drugs on their premises or at their events - even if they were not
involved in the offenses in any way. This legislation adds a $250,000
minimum civil liability clause to the existing criminal penalties of up to
20 years imprisonment and possible $500,000 fine. This bill is a part of a
Justice Department strategy to halt all musical events they don't like,
such as raves. This legislation could have a devastating effect on the
electronic dance music community. (From the Drug Policy Alliance). The
RAVE Act along with other bills such as H.R. 3782, known as "Clean, Learn,
Educate, Abolish, Neutralize, and Undermine Production (CLEAN-UP) of
Methamphetamines Act of 2002, seriously jeopardize the liberties of
law-abiding promoters and partygoers. Language used in both bills
specifically target electronic dance music, even identifying events or
raves as places with bass heavy sounds and repetitive rhythms. Targeting a
music genre clearly violates our civil freedom. To see the actual bill go
to "search page" - then go to "search number" - then type "S.2633". For
more information on this bill, go to: and under
"bill number" search for S2633 and search for ³rave² To make a donation to help fight
this law, log on to

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