Mr. Lomax saw folk music and dance as human survival strategies 
that had evolved through centuries of experimentation and adaptation; 
each, he argued, was as irreplaceable as a biological species. 
"It is the voiceless people of the planet who really have in their 
memories the 90,000 years of human life and wisdom," he once said. 
"I've devoted my entire life to an obsessive collecting together of 
the evidence."

"We now have cultural machines so powerful that one singer can reach 
everybody in the world, and make all the other singers feel inferior 
because they're not like him," Mr. Lomax once reflected. "Once that 
gets started, he gets backed by so much cash and so much power that 
he becomes a monstrous invader from outer space, crushing the life 
out of all the other human possibilities. My life has been devoted to 
opposing that tendency."

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