The first time Du Kru played Lost, they played the main room before John
Kennedy - @ the Works in Vauxhall before Kevin & Derrick. They really are a
very good band, very interesting and the perfect warm up band for the
perfect warm up DJ (!!!). A lot of people might disagree though........

They played the back room at the one or two parties Lost did @ Mass last
year - the Rob Hood/Rush and Burden/Pennington nights.

I think they also played on NYE, but I didn't get there till 2am and was
already far too drunk to see, think or anything else.

Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 16:19:36 +0100
From: "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [313] Lost

Afaik, DU KRU only ever play the second room. They sound  bizarre (both by
description and by sound) and they are, but as the evening wears on, they
seem to get better and more fitting every time you visit the second room,
funny that!

They're really a perfect band for Lost: very freaky, don't take themselves
too seriously, anywhere but in a pit of headz they would be recognized as
bloody good musicians, which they are. Most importantly, they're a welcome
contrast to the machine-generated music of the main room.
But at the same time they do play Future Music albeit with a Jazz-tinge.
Balance is a good thing. Another Lost asset.

(This club owes me so many beers the way I talk it up! But then, I'm not
alone am I? ....)


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