Right, I've brought in all my Prescriptions and knocked up a quick page
which you can view at:


Let me know of any spelling errors or other problems.

I'm planning on scanning in labels later on, but our scanner is crap and our
design software pretty basic, so if anyone fancies giving it a shot, please
do. I'm aiming for jpegs 100 pixels wide, or thereabouts.

Tristan's offered to fill in the blanks in the list, so that'll be OK, but
if anyone has spare copies of the blanks, drop me a line.



> I'll do it if you want, I've got some free webspace and time. If anyone
> wants to send me a copy of that Chuggles & Nagual 12" to help complete the
> set, that'd be good ;) But seriously, I'm happy to give it a shot. I'm not
> doing much at work today except umm and ahh over whether I think Kevin
> is really cheesy.

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