anyone else go?  i think i bumped into a few listmembers...

i was rather disappointed with the sound at 'the new times square'.  i
would've expected better at a paxahau-promoted show (i know it's not their
sound, but still, you'd think they'd have a hand in where their production
would take place)... the sound there was woefully inadequate.  lots of
'club people' and such, unlike most of the places i've gone to see good
techno; lots of 18-24 well-dressed "clubbing as a social activity"
potential stereotype applications walking around.

icky sound, lots of overdressed sluts, kinda expensive admission ($15),
and a huge raised dj booth making it impossible to spot the ones i didn't
know out of the tons of excellent tracks he played over the course of the
night contributed to me having a generally bad impression of a club i'd
never been to before.  it kind of stood as an ironic contrast against
an absolutely amazing dj/producer i'd never seen before.

even with all the negatives, i still thoroughly enjoyed myself.  there
needs to be more great, clean, simple minimal stuff like this in the
world. w00t!


  Jeffrey Paul      -datavibe-      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 aim: x736e65616b   phone: 130*21*16749 or 877-748-3467

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