
on the 12 -13 - 14 September in Rome, italy the Dissonanze Electronic music
and digital art festival will be taking place.
It will have an afternoon venue in central Rome with live sets from people
such as prefuse73 and Max Durante and Biosphere among other home talent.
Admission during the day is 6 euros.

The evenings are free and held in a large venue. People playing will be
Underworld, Swayzak, R.Villalobos, Radioboy,T.Brinkmann, L.Slater, Passarani
and Super Collider.

There days are full of acts and film viewings - to get all the facts etc you
can go to www.dissonanze.it - theres an english version as well.

One question, whats Swayzak live like?


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