When I read TP's announcement of his impending retirement, I expected to feel
sad, but somehow, I wasn't.  He's given more of himself to his audience
than most DJs ever will.  He's played in Iowa City for us 7 or 8 times,
I've seen him at the Lager House, and Chameleon Cafe, and at DEMF 2001.
Every time he's played he's brought the sort of vibe that keeps me coming
back to dance music because it feeds my soul and makes me feel good all

He's been a great friend to our town, and keeps in touch via e-mail with
dozens of people in Iowa.  In all his dealings with us he's set a standard
of professionalism and ethics up to which few other DJs can measure.

While I will miss seeing him DJ, more than I can express in words, I
understand and respect his decision.  Independent of what you think about
Christianity, the things that are incompatible with those beliefs -- drugs,
promiscuity, and the thousand flavors of sketchiness that are regretably
part of the dance music scene -- should be troubling to all of us.  They
detract from the spirituality that coming together to dance can bring.
TP is not a judgemental person, but I'm sure it's hard for him to look out
over a crowd and see people hurting themselves with the choices they're
making in their lives. It bothers me; I know so many beautiful young
souls who are less than they could be because of the distractions to which
they've fallen prey.

TP once told me that going to the Music Institute in Detroit was 'like going
to church.'  I have heard others say this, but coming from him I think
it's a literal comparison, not just a simile.  TP's best sets have had that
feeling for me, and made me feel lucky to live in a time and place where I
can experience his unique musical talents.

But I don't want eulogize the man. He's playing here in Iowa City
tomorrow night, and I'm sure we'll have him back again before he hangs up
the telephone for good.  I just wanted to share my feelings about a guy who
for me has always been the very definition of Soul, in all senses of the word.
I'm sure that even if he doesn't DJ, we'll still be hearing from him for
many years to come.  He's just not the sort of person to hide his light under
a bushel ;-)

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