Just got this info concerning the internet radio royalty thingy. Act now if you care. Delete if you don't. Thx.
Greetings Internet Radio Fans --
Over the past seven months, we have been actively fighting the performance royalty rates (DSRP) as determined by the Librarian of Congress. Yesterday, a new bill was introduced in the US House of Representatives that would allow for a six month stay on the DSRP royalty rates. This is HUGE, in that it permits an opportunity for Congress or the courts to remedy the unfair royalty!!!!
But we must act quickly.
I know you're tired of hearing about this stuff. But we need to blow this out on the order of the CARP effort last spring! Please contact your U.S. Representatives before September 30, 2002 and ask them to support H.R. 5469.
Visit this link for how you can impact the future of Internet Radio:
Tell your friends. Pass this email on to your mailing lists. Spread the word. We have until Monday, September 30th.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

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