Could be the crowd.

I had thought that because Southern Outpost's Deep Space in Sydney was such
a success that there could be a fresh interest in techno in Sydney - even
though, excepting DJs and producers, the culture has never been especially
strong there. I decided to see for myself.

I spent last night in Sydney and was quite disappointed at the turn-out at
what I thought was a cool underground tech-house night - Chalk with really
good local DJs like Ken Cloud, Biz-E, etc. I left after 11/2 hours as it was
depressingly quiet. The night had been really well promoted, too. Reachin'
record store in Oxford St has good techno stock, and those guys are pushing
good music, but ears are not open. I didn't get to BPM in time.

I saw Stacey Pullen in two cities and I can tell you in Melbourne he played
a much wider diversity over 6 hours on a Wed night, and the floor was full,
whereas in Sydney he was maybe tougher (still incredible, he just played
differently - more directly maybe) and he didn't go off into tangents like
he does here. In Melbourne he was very subtle and really free. It was one of
the best-ever DJ sets I have experienced.

I talked to some people at the gig in Sydney and they were mostly younger
and into progressive house and things like Tyrant, obviousy they get into
Stacey, so there's crossover, but whether they'd let him play an old funk
record is another matter. In Melbourne they would.

I think Richie needs to play smaller venues in Australia myself, but it's a
matter of viability for the promoter/s.

>     Inbox Message 
> From:  "ed612313" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  Re: (313) Hawtin in Melbourne - ride needed
> Date:  28/09/2002 21:40:23
> To:  "Quest Pond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "kent christopher"
> CC:  <>
> hawtin sucked big time in sydney!
> bang bang bang
> predictable mixing
> cheesy build ups

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