I didn't get a chance to meet Laura, though I'm sure I was in the same
room with her more than once -- maybe when Claude Young played Motor a while
back.  I knew her from her 313 posts only, and anyone who wants to comb
thru the archives can get an idea of the sort of person she was. I'm sure
many of us can remember that one or two line private reply to a 313
post from Laura that put a smile on our faces with it's humor and
enthusiasm. Early on, before most of us, Laura knew the techno was more
than just party music, and her professional and personal efforts to promote
it to the world are beyond measure.

Her death made me think of what the far flung community we comprise means
to me, and it's something that I can't even begin to put into words.
The producers, the fans, the promoters, the writers who get it right --
this is a precious thing.  I make my jokes when I come to DEMF about it
being the techno equivalent of a beanie baby convention, but it's more
than that to me. It's family.

So thanks be to Laura Gavoor, and James Stinson, for enriching all of our
lives, and thanks be to all of you for letting the music pull you into the
circle. And thanks for the thousand kindnesses done to me by all the 313'ers
I won't mention by name, lest I forget someone.  We need to be thinking
about how precious each of is full time, not just when we lose someone.

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