I'm posting this because it states something that hasn't been stated yet.  

Laura was a _strong_ woman.  Confident, assertive and still in this society
let alone the microcosm of male dominance that is the techno scene this is not
taken well.  This is what made her controversial.  In thinking I realized that
even though it's been over a decade there still aren't alot of women like her
with any sort of presence in "the scene".  Though I'm sure she would not want
to make an issue of this she helped forge a path that made it just a little
bit easier for women behind to follow.  I still lay claim to being a feminist
and so her exit to _me_ leaves 
a gaping hole that will be very difficult to fill.

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 14:17:10 -0400 Rob Theakston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Someone on this list who wishes to remain anonymous suggested privately the
idea that we give the Gavoor family a bounded
notebook filled with the 313 list's anecdotes, tributes and condoloences of
the late great Laura G. I think it's a very appropriate way to people to
pass on their wishes that can't be in the country or can't make the
And even if you are going to be in town and would like to contribute, that's
cool too.

You don't necessarily have had to meet her either to participate. Even if
it's just a two line email passing on your condolences, I'm sure it would be

I'd be willing to spearhead this, so please send your privately (so as to
not waste bandwidth on people who hate bandwidth wasters) your thoughts and
I will bind them together and present it to the family when I go to the
visitation Thursday night.

Please have them in no later than Thursday afternoon EST.


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