last time derek was in iowa i took him out for mexican food before his set. this guy ate a 1 pound burrito with hot sauce, went back to his hotel and was curled up in the feetle position for half hour. cheep mexican food = bait.


Subject: (313) WANTED - Derek "The Player" Plaslaiko
Date: 8 Oct 2002 13:43:08 +0200

We are desperately trying to find this man who on the 7th of October (well
actually 8th since it was around 4:32am) was last seen trying to pack down a
certain mr hawtins equipment while balancing a bottle of sambuca on his

He is a suspect of these following crimes:

        *       Harassing young innocent Swedish girls with his video-cam.
        *       Reckless drinking and dancing.
        *       Threatening the bartender with the words "I will send mike
for you..." if he doesn´t make him another mojito.
        *       Trying to wrestle down a bouncer when he says he don´t know
who the number one Detroit bachelor is

If you see this man please don´t attempt to arrest him on your own. He is
known for getting people into trouble with his smooth way of talking and
never drink anything he tries to give you. Contact the Swedish embassy for
assistance and try to stay calm and out of range from him.

If you, Mr Plaslaiko, get this message...please surrender and contact us

Thank you for your co-operation.

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