

It is with the greatest sorrow that I have to let you all know of the death
yesterday of John Redmond.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with his
work, he was one of the most talented vocalists in this here scene of ours
we call "house".  He was the voice on Braxton Holmes "People Everyday" on
Cajual, "Rise" with Kenny Carvajal on Music 101, DJ V's "Darker Side Of
Melody" on Love Slap, Common Factor's "World Is Mine" and "Fascination" on
Planet E, and many more, inluding his own especially touching "Tears Dry Up"
on Cyclo.

He passed away yesterday at Loyola Hospital in Chicago of a heart attack
brought on by a congenital heart defect and pneumonia.

I do not yet have any details regarding the funeral, as these have not been
confirmed yet.  However, it will be held on Saturday October 26 here in
Chicago.  If you would like more information when this is available, please
email me privately.

I think it would mean a great deal to John's parents to have an idea of how
many people were touched by John and his music.  If you would like to send a
message to his family, please address it to John and Dorothy Redmond.  Feel
free to send these to me at the email address below, and I will pass them on
to the family.

Please spread this around as there are a lot of people who would want to
know, but we haven't been able to get in touch with.

I would also like to ask you all to pray for John and his family.  These are
hard times, and a ray of light is now missing from all our lives.

Nick Calingaert

Nick Calingaert
Common Factor

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