yep my thanks also to Rob , Anya and Johnny. It brings back the memories of
a good nite, one
I hasten to add was pretty sober for me, yeah right :)

On the discussion of photos , well there are some of my pics from German,
and talk about fags hanging out of your mouth and gods know what else! and
no there not for release I look bloody awful in them! I blame the travelling
oh and age :)

-----Original Message-----
From: rob webb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 October 2002 16:36
Subject: RE: (313) 313 @ Public Life photos


>Cool photos, thanks for posting!

yup, thanks once again Jonny (and Anya!)!

>Yeah it looks like the gig was sponsored by Budweiser and Marlboro...

heheh, are you suggesting that we shoulda sold our souls to corporate
sponsorship? ;)

seriously tho, many thanks to the ppl who supported our little effort with
promotional goodies - Moods & Grooves, Intuit Solar, Rushhour, Smallfish -
and also to those who took the time to offer words of support - esp Optic
Universe, MG, Shake, Detroit History, and Sarah on behalf of TP.

>and Rob Webb looked a little more sober than I'm used to seeing him...

ta... don't you have some work to be getting on with Matthew? ;)

>Great to finally be able to put some names with faces.

indeed it was!!!


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