Yeah Cheers Marc, another one to add to my wish list (out of stock!)

Does anyone know what the deal is with groovetech re-oredering. They hint towards something on the site about if there's enough demand and it's still in print they'll re-order. Does 'demand' mean how many people have it on their wishlist? Will they re-order old stuff (still in print) or only re-presses and new releases that sell out quickly?

Hmm, I hope they don't get all the records on my wishlist at once it'll cost me a fortune.

Cheers again


Langsman, Marc wrote:
sounds like 'mushrooms' by marshall jefferson on airtight !
great tune ... there are two vinyls avialble from memory - check

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 31 October 2002 13:40
Subject: (313) Song ID


I've heard this song a few times now but never with a track listing. It has a guy talking about taking a mushroom with his girlfriend in florida, ....

Anyway It's on the swayzak set on groovetech about 22 mins in.

I don't think it's strictly 313, I am desperate :)



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