> 2 x C2 remixes on remake
> Basic channel remake of remake
> Sueno Latino
> Derrick May's mix of Sueno Latino + many other mixes
> plus there's are tracks by the Detroit Escalator company
> and by ismistik that essentially revamp e2-e4 in their own flavor
> without being straight covers or remixes.
> I'm sure there are many more...

Nice breakdown.  Another I can think of is a track by Mannequin Lung on "The 
Art of Travel" 2LP (on Plug Research), forgot the name.  Features the sample 
prominently and cool re-work of it.

Neil Oliverra from DEC also calls E2-E4 something like "the soundtrack to 
Detroit" in his _Reality Slap_ novella thing. 

> I think it's probably one of the most succesful motifs (memes)
> in techno history (if you exclude breaks)

I agree!  I tried to get it as an Illinois licence plate, actually...  :)

Matt MacQueen

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