Actually the faders on the PCV mixers _were_ faulty.  Although, Vestax offered
to ship a free replacement crossfader for the mixers that had these faulty
ones.  It was only the original PCV mixers, I had 2 of them, heh.  The new ones
have the updated PCV faders though, and mine works excellently.  The one thing
you need to know though, if you plan on using external effects, balanced cables
are a necessity, I got serious balance trouble when I used two standard mono
cables for the sends and receives, but after I bought balanced cables, my mofx
works great with the mixer.  I also have an er-1 I tinker with on the third
channel of my pcv 275, all three channels, both line and phono work excellent.
Just be careful with the kill switches, the low end switches can cause a pop if
you don't cut before or after the kick.  To sum up, I love my 275, and after
getting the replacement fader, have had nothing but success with it.

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