okaaayy well i thought i'd just say a few words cos i wasn't around last
week, don't want anyone thinkin i'm a recalcitrant techno snob do i ?

to all the deep space crew - jaime, dave, rosie, phil, tony & james - thanx
a bunch for making us so welcome & looking after us, esp dave, rosie &
phil. cyclone - thanks for the 3D article & thoughtful questions - don't
know how derrick may suddenly became derrick carter but there you go...:^)
sam k - 313er & sometime microworlder - thankyou buddy for all your time
and input and for making it a much more enjoyable experience than if i'd
done it just by myself. i think that one of the best things about making
music is getting to meet cool people - it sure makes all the not so
exciting parts worthwhile. to anyone who tuned in to dark energy on sat
nite, please ignore everything i said, i was TIRED and EMOTIONAL.

coupla things i reckon are worth a squizz - detroit beatdown 2CD is quality
deepness all the way, a real funkfest. also 'day by day' comp on delsin is
real nice too. famous when dead 2 on playhouse is er strange, as you'd



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