> as for full recordings, no.  or, yes, but they are in
>  some hermetically sealed vault miles below the earth 
> somewhere in the depths of canada.

Ha!  You know, I give rich credit for not releasing all his live shows and 
performances.  I've been to loads of +8 parties thru the years (well, the early 
years... saw his live PA at Spastik, etc.)  and think I've read in some 
interviews(?) that the live shows are special for those who where there.  

I can respect the artist who takes that position.  You can't re-create a 
special one-time environment and sound system and performance and a feeling w/ 
a live CD or MP3 file.  The performance is more than just sum of the notes 
played through the equipment. It's a whole "thing" that exists for that moment 
in space and time, and is the sum of a zillion other factors, (the crowd, the 
weather, the smell of the warehouse, your drive there and home, the lights, 
your feelings at that time, etc. etc. ) then it's gone when it's done.   There 
is something more special and visceral about it that way, I think for both 
performer AND audience...  FWIW.

"we play liiive, we don't play off tape" -  FUSE, Logikal Nonsense

Matt MacQueen

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