On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Kent williams wrote:

> 1. You actually move parts of your body when you play
> an instrument.  Audiences
> interpret this as 'doing something'

***Kent:  Sad but true when it comes to playing live
with a laptop.  ie if you're bopping your head and
moving around people assume you're playing live (even
if you're faking it); if you're focused on what you're
doing, they often assume you're checking your email or
playing Solitaire.  I posted a long email about this on
the microsound list last week.

BTW, re the subject line (we have a bad habit, as a
whole, of not changing subject lines as threads
change):  Ableton Live 2 is now officially available. 
I just downloaded it about 30 minutes ago.  Take care.

albums out now: Sprung (http://bip-hop.com) 
More Destructive Than Organized 
Highest Common Denominator (http://pieheadrecords.com)
Physical and Mental Health (http://dialrecords.com) 
74'02 (split with Hypo) (http://tsunami-addiction.com)
check Cognition (http://techno.ca/cognition)
for upcoming appearance and release updates
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