On Saturday, Jan 4, 2003, at 13:40 Europe/London, Max Duley / ARCart wrote:

Rolando and Brendan on 31st Jan - looks like there is to be no let up this year when it comes to having to choose between different parties on the same night. Never woulda happened in 2001!! Same night, Mr VelcroFastener plays live @ SCAND, also Carl from LA Synthesis DJing at the same night along with
others too. And that's right round the corner from where the Outlet
Collective will be hijacking the 333 Club all night. Decisions, decisions.

I'll be out of the country so pay close attention, I expect detailed reports! : )

RE: Hood in the UK - after being sorely disappointed at Hood NOT doing his semi-live thing in November (thus going to the Seed recs party instead - good move!!!), I am so looking forward to this. The last techno set that truly blew me away was Hood doing this at the End in what........1999? 2000,

Just for the record, it was 2000. March iirc. (Dan should know hehe)
I remember that so well because I'd only just relocated to London,
and this was the first time I saw Rob Hood. A set I will never forget.
Truly something else. Way out there, and then a bit further.
Let's do Leeds! : )


Seed party was good wasn't it?! And what a venue (disused tube station) -
wish there were more events happening there.

np: F communications.classic&rare.la collection ch3 - cd2

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