I agree Ken - but I think "Do You Remember House?" sucks :) I was born in
1977, so no, I don't remember house before it was house. Shoot me. "I Think
Of You" and "Gloria's Muse" from the LP are both ace, but another Blaze
triumph last year was their collaboration with LLV for "Brand New Day". And
I completely agree about it dividing people along soulful vs punk lines in
their attitude to house, which is a shame. I know which side I'd rather be
on, but great music is made without a guiding theory, rather just listening
to your own voice - to get all hokey - and pointless genre divisions obscure
that fact.

> However, I have some misgivings abt the underlying idea: that house has
> somehow been distorted by excessive modernism, hard beats, electronic
> emphasis - it seems to want to put the genie back into the bottle: "I
> remember house when it really was a spiritual thing." Catchy phrase, but
> would I really want to not have had 'glitch house'? Also, some of the
> proponents of new styles in house it seemed to me during the 90s were none
> other than Blaze themselves. This is muddled or misguided thinking to me.
> Note well though, I love Hedge and Milan to bits, love every single thing
> they've done to bits including the whole of the latest album, I just think
> the idea of creating a dichotomy between 'rootsy' and 'modern' is wrong
> you'll find all sorts of people and soul on either side of that artificial
> divide.

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