Yes, that's what I understood too.
I just think it would be a great thing.

> From:  "Rob Theakston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  RE: (313) Laura Gavoor Tribute (was Re: (313) DEMF (R))
> Date:  31/01/2003 4:02:15
> To:  <>     
> Once upon a time Norma Jean was slated to do a prime time slot during the
> DEMF. I believe it was the first night of the second festival. But then
> someone got the axe, the lineup was changed, and a DJ (can't remember who)
> replaced Norma's set; She was relegated to an opening slot sometime early
> in the afternoon.
> I DO believe that if anything were to happen.... either a nice video montage
> during the evening's activities on the main stage or a nice wall of
> rememberance for not only Laura, but others the community has lost..would be
> most appropriate.

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