Yep - thats the guy....

Also check 'Facility Junction' on Irdial. A belter.

                      Robert Taylor                                             
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      "'Jongsma, K.J.'" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,                    
            >                cc:                              
                                               Subject: RE: (313) Fw: Jeff 
Mills Crate Diggin'                                         
                      06/02/2003 11:43                                          

Was he the guy who did the Neuropolitique track on Virtual Sex?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: (313) Fw: Jeff Mills Crate Diggin'

> I've got this, it was a Metroplex sampler and was then
> licensed to Peacefrog i think, but was never fully released
> on either, though correct me if thats wrong. I think only one
> of the cuts was by Atkins, it also had Mind you Don't trip by
> Neuropolotique (amazing track!), Sonar 123 by Shake and
> Starlight by Infiniti (Atkins). The Surkit track was by Reel By Reel.

That whole compilation was pretty brilliant actually! What happened to Matt
Cogger i got some  records of him on Irdial (i love that 'Menage a Trois'
record) and the Mind You don't trip. Has he done anything else worth
listening to?


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