I'd say techno is Roland. Without that japanese dude who got radiation
poisoning from nagasaki there would be no 909 707 303 808 etc...
Or maybe its just the invention of the stand alone drum machine with 16th
sequencers/step times, but would the kpr77 produced that same deep rolling
sound ...If whoever made the first records ( don't want to start another
thread here ...) started with computer screen would the same 'feel' have
ever been generated...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jayson B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 13 February 2003 6:56 a.m.
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) what is *your* definition of techno?/ (techno rant)

> >well that definition beats the "its black music" bullshxt
> >that this list normally spews.
>yeah. i mean obviously. like R+B is white music because christina
>aguilera makes it.

and the award for best segue into a trolling comment goes to......

>no really, i love this idea that peoples' opinions are now the
>defining method of measurement. thats the silliest bunch of
>horsesh*t. find any uncreative idea, and you can find some nitwit
>who will love it.

such at the nitwit who just wrote this comment?

people's opinions aren't just now the defining measurement, they always have

been.  and not just in music, in everything.  from a purely logical 
standpoint, it is impossible to argue that opinions aren't the defining 
measurement, because once again its your opinion that is making that rule 
against it, not a fact.

in the end, and off of a techinical arguement, i somewhat agree.  there is 
music that doesn't have creative value out there, but that still comes down 
to my opinion.  but people who tend to have such strongs views on the 
subject as yourself are the kind of people that have to devalue someone 
else's opinion for listening to it.  and *that* is wrong.  dislike it, sure.

  feel its a lesser form of music, go ahead.  but i've seen too many 
elitists who are so willing to openly and publicly rip on someone for the 
music they listen to.  that's harsh.

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