Francois K played here in Copenhagen last weekend and was on his PowerBook G4 most of the night. I was very happy to hear him, but was a bit disappointed over all. Granted, my expectations of him are always high, as I have greatly enjoy his sets that I've heard previously (with DK & JC for Body & Soul normally).

The G4 was on a table next to him that wasn't facing the audience, so neither was he for a lot of the night. He played very few records over the 3 1/2 hour set - never two at one time (ie, no mixing between turntables). I thought it took away from the night, that he was mostly off in a corner staring at his screen. He was working the EQ's and his effects a bit, generally with good outcome, but not nearly as much as when I have seen him in the past. I wouldn't completely blame him though, as the crowd wasn't much to work with.

At any rate, it was a better night than Copenhagen usually gets, but the laptop gets thumbs down from me.

On a side note, I tried out my new etymotic musican's earplugs that I had fitted recently and am very happy with them! My ears were far less fatigued, than they normally would be, after 3 1/2 hours on the floor, and they beat the pants off of other hearing protection. It was great to be able to lower it to a reasonable level without destroying the sound. I highly recommend them to anyone who doesn't already have a pair.


On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 12:49 AM, Phonopsia wrote:
While I'm posting, I remembered that when Francois K played Fabric last
month, he was using Traktor, not Traktor 2, and thought I should clarify the hypothesizing that went around after his Australia gigs. So if any of you were waiting on Final Scratch for Mac or Traktor 2 with that news in mind,
you may want to take a deeper breath. ;) It was just Traktor, ie, the
interface was clearly the first one, and there were no discs on platters or anything... Oh, and if it interests anyone, and if memory serves, his first
four tracks were from Traktor and CD.


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