Sorry haven't researched this as it's mad as usual here but couldn't resist
jumping in with a suggestion:

Do you guys see/get FUTURE MUSIC? UK-published, (EMAP I think). It straddles
that border between muso technicality and musicians. With that title, it
obvioiusly focuses on electronic instruments and production. I've read at
various times a very rare interview with Juan Atkins in there ('99) Octave
One and many more I can barely remember now - I stopped reading it regularly
around then altho it's still around, just dunno if it's changed much.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andy Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 8:43 AM
>To: 313 List
>Subject: Re: (313) zine stuff
>>> these days the mags seem to be just equipment reviews...there
>> seems to be
>>> nowhere that cover interesting contemporary production...any
>> pointers? thanx.
>I just found this article today, linked from King Britt's website forum:
>It's about his new album Adventures In Lo-Fi... the cover story on a
>magazine called Remix. I've not had a chance to explore the site
>further but
>I found this article pretty damned informative.

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