> He is (was?) the other part of Panasonic (later named Pan Sonic). 
> Panasonic's music is (to me atleast) _very_ experimental 
> electronic music. 
> Loads of bleeps and other strange stuff on their records. 
> Very minimal. 
> Hard to describe.

Well, that explains a lot... I really like Panasonic's works, and alos some of 
the Miko Vainio solo stuff, but I hadn't paid attention to the other members... 
thanks for the tip ! 

> I enjoyed his album "Asuma" on the Vienna based Mego label.  I find it more
> structured and accessible than the Pan Sonic material that I've heard.

Good to know - yes, his stuff has immediate beauty in it, it looks like he's 
reponsible for the simple/deep in Pan Sonic, while Vainio does the 


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