I'm sorry you feel this way KJ. Music is a sound and can't been seen, so
hence has no colour.... you can like it or not.

As for "Race is always an issue..." I don't know what colour you are? It
makes no difference to me either.... it's what you've got to say and do that
interests me, not the colour of your skin.

If you have a problem with colour then I can understand why "race is always
an issue" to you in your world, however, please don't accuse the rest of us
of being the same as you!

It is however your right to voice your own opinion, I will choose not to
listen to it next time, as I feel you have been misguided in life.

I hope you have a nice day though :O)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 24 March 2003 15:36
To: 'rob'
Subject: RE: (313) handbags

> I hope colour does not come into it again, music has no colour!

bullshit, music HAS colour, like it or not.

Race is always an issue....


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