>Anyone see the newest issue of Remix magazine (Massive Attack cover)?
>There are a few reactions to Chris Cowie's statements about doing away with
>vinyl in favor of mp3s and Final Scratch. Not sure what issue his
>statements were in - however - one letter writer was from the Detroit area
>and mentioned how the philosophy behind techno music was less about blindly
>embracing technological "advances" and more about the humanity behind the
>machine. I still have the issue with the letter but not the issue that the
>writer was responding to. If anyone does have it could they pass it along
>as it seems Remix's website doesn't have it available.

what kind of issues do you have with this letter and these ideas ? back in
'88 derrick may says the same thing in an interview in UK mag music
technology, specifically that he and other first wave producers used mostly
fairly simple technology that was in no way the latest or state of the art
at the time, and that the ideas behind the music were more important. i
guess the name itself is problematic, but it never meant that the music was
just about using the newest technology. 

cripes that classics not classics 2 acid mix 2 is excellent - thanks so
much ! ! ! that has made my day so far ! ! !


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