> Before chucking mud at Dixon, and at each other,
> perhaps we could have some clarification 

My thoughts exactly... can everyone chill out.  You know how the internet is.  
Unless I heard someone say something or it was a direct quote, it's all 
assumptions stacked on assumptions and false conclusions.  All subject to each 
layer of editorialization along the way.  This could all be moot if he didn't 
say/write the slur.  It's all too easy to judge people falsely and that works 
both ways.

Just because you read it on a mailing list doesn't mean someone said it/wrote 
it...  Racial slurs are horrible but ones that get falsely attributed to people 
who didn't even say them are far worse. 

I'd love it if a piece of music generated this much conversation, jeezzzz.  I'm 
more interested that there isn't an instrumental or a dub version of it... 
1-sided records have to be absolute knockouts to pull that off.  We shall see.  

"If it kick it kick, period"

Matt MacQueen

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