< one time only | public announcement >

communicación globale

nomorewords.net is set up april 2003 to promote the sounds and other
activities coming to the world through the following amsterdam based labels:

ann aimee
. a new electronica label set up by jeri nairav to support the journey home
of ann aimee, hosting artists as alex cortex, cim and lucky&easy - first ep
just released. all artworx done by amsterdam graphic artist delta

delsin records
. a label set up by peel seamus and around for several years, with artists
like aardvarck, neworldaquarium, dimension 5, future beat alliance, optic
nerve and others, this label needs no further introduction. near future
releases are by dynarec, yotoko and $tinkworx

nwaq recordings
. the label set up and run by newworldaquarium, themselves active through
labels as peacefrog, delsin and planet e. saw one release so far by
newworldromantic. the upcoming release by aroy dee is on heavy white label
rotation and should see an official release before summer

m>o>s recordings
. brings you housemusic like it ought to be. a&r by aroy dee of the m>o>s
collective, known for his releases on rushhour and delsin. expect simular
deepness. first release is written and produces by aroy dee himself, second
release from the vaults by pallas.

all these labels are distributed by rush hour, amsterdam (
http://www.rushhour.nl )

first full nomorewords.net mailing will go out next week with background and
other new essential info .

to subscribe send a reply, or email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
all people subscribed to the delsin-mailing list won't need to re-subscribe,
as they already automatically are.

all press officers, radio stations, magazines, and other media are invited
to apply for vinyl and cd promotion mail outs

forward this message if needed

phn. +31-644-992-027

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