New Speedy J material a-coming plus a cool party for the Dutch on the list.

CAT NO : 12NOMU105

Speedy J, aka Jochem Paap, returns to our speakers with his first new
material since last year's 'Loudboxer' long-player and accompanying,
ear-splitting 'Krekc' single.

By the end of the last decade, like many explorers before, Speedy J was
faced with some tricky questions. He had navigated far beyond where others
had charted, and returned with a rich knowledge of the unknown. Making an
about-turn, he returned to almost where he had begun -  revisiting the stark
functionalism of dancefloor-orientated tunes, with a new found knowledge
garnered from his far reaching musical voyages - resulting in 'Loudboxer'.

It's 2003, and Speedy's back with some new ideas, and a new single - further
exploring sonic textures within the context of dancefloor dynamics.
As the names of the three tracks suggests, the single is based around the
idea of subtle differences - manifesting itself on record as emphasis on
different sounds. Indeed, like the titles, all three tracks are based around
common elements.

'Tannga' kicks things off, throwing down the gauntlet as a heavy kick drops
over a high-filtered, phasing drum pattern. It's recognisably a Speedy J
production in that there's an audible attention to detail. Layer after layer
is added, maintaining the linear flow - exploring variations on the same
ultra-4/4 rhythmic template - manipulating the listener with it's intricate
EQing. It's unarguably a tough record, yet it retains a definite depth
within this by contrasting textures.

'Taanga' starts where 'Tannga' left off, pretty literally, and builds
quickly - reaching a peak much quicker with some fiercely charging hi-hats.
The track rises and falls through degrees of driving energy - at times
reaching overload - rearing up into heights of distorted, echoed oblivion
before plunging back down into the locomotive momentum of the drums.

'Tangga' adopts an alternate approach - the rhythm seeping in gradually
through more overtly atmospheric sounds. There's less of a linear feel to
this track, with more of a lurching momentum, yet it's just as unrelenting.
At times, the track has a panting, out of breath feel - perhaps appropriate
after the previous onslaught. The rhythm is conveyed with a mixture of
analogue textures and flammed hi-hats, with more synth-based sounds in
evidence. This is all conveyed entirely without kickdrums, but possesses no
less of a charge.

Speedy J hosts a very special party on April 29th, in his hometown of
Rotterdam :

'Sweatboxer' will be "a club night, without trimmings and with special
attention to the things that matter: inspiring music, great venue and the
most important item: a 'no-compromise' sound system."

Over two rooms, music will be provided by: Chris Liebing, Speedy J (live),
Miss Kittin, T Raumschmiere (live), David Labeij, Arthur Baker, George
Issakidis_the republic of desire, Sutekh.

Tickets are 23 Euro + pre sale fee, available now via the internet (with
credit card) from: Tickets via Internet (with credit card): /

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