hey all !

we posted our new sets on DreamLabzFM: http://www.dreamlabrecords.com/DreamLabzFM.htm

here is my techno set:
probably the most detroit-like techno set since I joined the list !

to be noted too: thanks to more webspace, all the sets from the previous months are now back up (including my favorite baby, from october 2002)



ps: here is my playlist for this month:

Artist // Track title // Label

Kim Cascones // Tangent Clusters // art of perception
Shapes & Forms // Oval // k2o
Jeroen // Many Ways To Go // Molecular
Stewart Walker & Gregory Schiff // Coastline // Persona
Kenneth Graham // Console // Macintosh
Shawn Rudiman // Overtone (hydroplane mix) // Integrated
Rene Breitbarth // Flynn // Treibstoff
Spacer // Doomsday // Pussifoot
hd substance // 0801.wav // Deck Audio
Lusine Icl // Bent // Hym.en/MadMonkey
Funkstorung // Something For Your Mind // K7
Aubrey // ProGroove // In-Tec
Dan Lui // ? // Remains
Static Drum // Secret // Logistic
Todd Sines & Natacha Labelle // I Can't // Planet E

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