On 4/2/03 10:41 AM, "Rob Theakston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps a Sigma6/Appnet/Commerce One/i33 employee named VanLoo or Malbon
> could verify this?

Thanks for remembering all our permutations through the years, Rob!

The truth shall set you free.  Here it is from the man who has maintained
Detroit electronic music festival sites for the last 3 years, going on four:

------ Forwarded Message
> Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 19:01:04 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: Re: FW: (313) festival sites
> Here is the story as it actually happened.
> I teamed up with Carol and the Pop Culture Media folks in early
> 2000 about doing the website for the first DEMF.  We registered
> demf.org (the main site) and demf.net and used those domains for the first
> year's festival.  At the time, DEMF.com was registered by someone in
> Argentina I believe.
> The second year of the festival saw a turn in strategy for the website.
> Carol was interested in using electronicmusicfest.com, org and net because
> it was a more generic name.  This would open up the site to be used in
> conjunction with an event(s) in Detroit or wherever.  This was to be the
> main site for the empire of *EMF sites.  There was almost no interest in
> using demf.org the second year.  I kept demf.org online through the second
> year because it was still seeing a fair amount of traffic from old links
> from the first year.  I let the demf.org and .net domains expire after the
> second year because they were no longer needed and the business had no use
> for them.  It seems the domains were snatched up fairly quickly by random
> techno fans.
> ElectronicMusicfest.com was used exclusively during the third year of the
> All domains (demf.org, demf.net,
> electronicmusicfest.com, .net, and .org were never owned by Carol or Pop
> Culture.  They were registered by other individuals)
> The official website for Movement: Detroit's Electronic Music Festival is
> http://www.movementfestival.com
> look for a new site to launch in mid April with lineup, et al.
> I don't believe that Transmat owns DEMF.com.  It seems to be leased from
> some domain broker in Scotland judging by the registrar records.
> This chapter in DEMF website history has been brought to you by:
> Bryan Bickel

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