> Is ther an acid mix from It is what it is never heard of that one???

I was thinking of the main melody line - it opens the track? Sounded like a
303 to me, but maybe not! Interesting - does an acid line have to come from
a 303, or can it just have that 'sound', i.e. what is acid? The machine or
the sound?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Andrew'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 10:18 AM
Subject: RE: (313) Acid Jazz (Best Acid Lines In The World...Ever!!)

> > Jupiter Jazz - UR
> And of course Hi-tech jazz from UR
> > Da Funk - Daft Punk
> > Bitstream - Double Density
> > Black Dog - That one off 'Spanners' (the techno-ragga-eastern one)
> > Rhythim is Rhythim - It is what it is
> >
> > Can't think...please add more....
> Choice - Acid Eifel
> The first record on A13, can't remember the title but i thinkit is Mark
> Broom and some one else (Plaid?)
> That Balil record on Rising High
> Railway Raver on Rephlex
> Is ther an acid mix from It is what it is never heard of that one???
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