> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 April 2003 08:53
> And american artists being afraid to fly and cancel gigs will 
> result in less bookings by European promoters...

And another major issue - which might have already been mentioned - is
the general downturn in the industry, which makes a lot of promoters
here slightly worried about how much money they could lose if they spend
the extra money required to bring a North American artist across and
then the crowd doesn't materialise. 

Add to that the risk of the artist either not coming across due to
worries about terrorism, or not being *allowed* to come across as a
result of the heightened security (I've heard stories of a number of US
artists basically being turned away at airports), and you could be
facing quite a big loss as a promoter.

I think we're quite lucky in that the electronic music scene has yet to
be tainted by the divisive renaissance in nationalism which seems to
have crept into most other walks of life these last few years... 


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