Like I stated many times before your only helping people
become more aware of what is being released.
All record store's do not carry the same stock.
It's no one's obligation to write a review or express one's
personal opinion once a record has been mentioned.

> this would be an impossible for task for one person..

not really, in fact it probably wouldnt take a lot of time
out of anyones busy scheduale.

on 3/23/98 2:15 AM, kathleen  harris at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> spw:
>> People subscribing to the 313 list know their conveniently
>> getting informed about what is being released from all the
>> artist and labels.
> we wish..belive me we wish...
>> But perhaps this is too much of a task
>> to expect from one person although there are people
>> here who seem to be obsessed with 313 music so they would
>> be ideal candidates.
> this would be an impossible for task for one person..313 relies upon the good
> will of the many..unfortunately it is filtered through people who have their
> own subjective tastes/whims whatever and definitely some people get far far
> too much play than they really deserve (imo) but in every art genre some
> people receive adoration more for their personality or because they have
> marketed themselves better and thus become more of an institution in popular
> culture..if you see a record on a list and want to know if someone's heard it
> or knows about it post a question...if you want to see an artist get more play
> _plug_ them probably haven't noticed but many people here do
> this..posting positive comments to try to make others more aware, more
> interested and thereby more interested that next time around in purchasing
> that record or going to see that dj they heard about...
> also if you see certain people that seem to have the same sort of taste as you
> and you respect what they say start making sure you read their posts and maybe
> stop reading others..i can tell you i started doing that like 4 years ago...i
> _can_ say that when 313 first started it was high high HIGH in
> content..virtually all reviews..but that was when just a handful of supergeeks
> were on the list..and seriously i think you should use the work clique or
> something instead of "elite" 'cause if you had met many of the people here
> you'd pretty much laugh at applying the word "elite" to them (i am so
> including myself here in case anyone's ego is starting to inflate and get
> defensive ;)..awesome geeks imo but nonetheless :)...self-select and create
> your own tailored 313 list by whom you include
> overall though reviews have gone way way down but it seems as though the older
> all of us get the less inclined people are to take the time to write really
> thorough reviews
> my opinion
> -k

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