anyone heard it? what are your impressions?

heres what i think:
i got it the other day. definitely one of my favourites of this year. it
would seem that robert hood is back with a vengeance. it sounds like him
definitely but he seems to have progressed from his usual m-plant monotone
loopiness. these two tracks are more of the listening-techno kind IMO - the
tracks evolve somewhat halfway to become the opposite of what they started
out to be ie: a track that starts busy and hard develops into a more reduced
and quieter one and vice-versa. i especially like the sounds he has used -
the bside has these distorted vocals that echo in and out in repetitive
loops and there are lovely bouncy synthetic sounds everywhere. the structure
like i said isnt constant througout the track keeping everything extremely
to answer spw, this, along with convextion and stewart walker, is what i
consider futuristic techno.


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