just picked up this book

"African Rhythm and African Sensibility: Aesthetics and Social Action in
African Musical Idioms" by John Miller Chernoff

was written in the 1960s as part of his study and involvement in learning
to play African drums

very interesting parallels to techno music (may be obvious to some but
interesting and entertaining to read it all the same)

see this quote:

"Those who dislike African music respond to it in several ways. Some say
that they are bored, that the music is so monotonously repetitive that it
just dulls the senses. Others, alternatively, say that the music is so
complicated rhythmically that they get confused and cannot make sense of
it. These  people are likely to add that because they cannot figure out any
pattern, they feel threatened that either the monotony or the confusion
might take them over, and they do their best to ignore the unpleasantness.
Less tolerant people have felt their sanity or their morals challenged, and
in the past some of them even took the truly remarkable step of forbidding
Africans to make music. Those with an open mind wish the music were more
quiet." (pages 27-28)


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