Nice write up potts ;) I really really enjoyed hearing
him at drinkland a few months back. Every 4th record
i was peaking over to hear what he was playing. Props
to Disco D, looking forward to hearing his cd..

btw, he has a monthly at drinkland, anyone know the day/week ?


-----Original Message-----
From: diana potts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: (313) A night at the booty bar

 I remember the first time I saw Disco D he was still
in highschool. 

 I just got his latest CD, Disco D, a Night at the
Booty Bar in the mail. This is some serious ghetto
booty and some mad *ass skilz...yo.

 I come from the days of listening to WJLB cruizin'
down Jefferson and blushing to the raunchy lyrics and
bouncing to the beats. Take the lyrics of 7 years ago
and turn them 7 degrees up on the raunch scale and
make the beats a bit more dirty and you've got A Night
at the Booty Bar. I'll admit some are even a bit too
raunchy for me.:)

 Some of the tracks are actually orginal tracks of
Dave's (including the ever so catchy You Need Another
Drink).This CD IS driving down Jefferson.It's the new
style mixed with the old. Suddenly I'm 18 again, in
the passenger seat of my friend's hatch- back on the
way to St.Andrews poluting my lungs and liver.

 I really don't think one can appreciate Dave's
talents on the tables until they see him spin
live.He's incredibly quick, reads the crowd and has a
talent for mixing the old with the new just at the
right moment....and ya gotta love his tendancy to
stick his tongue out while he's playing. This kid has
carryied the ghetto tech torch to NYC, and I can't
help but be thankful that a bit of detroit is closer
to me. I can't help to give mad props to someone so
young whose doing what he wants, doing it well and
making the loot too. The fly honeys he's pictured with
on the cover help too.

 Now excuse me, I'm gonna go make me some rum n'
cokes, dim the lights and have myself a night at the
booty bar.

awe yeah

my camera go boom:

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