is there a patient micro-organisim in your entire body?

there is already SOOOOOOOOOOO much talk of the festival on here, not that
it isnt relevant and all, but those of us who LIVE HERE should really not
clog up everyones inboxes with fodder resembling your statement. i
seriously BEG of EVERYONE on this list to ease up a bit on the
speculations unless its something in which we can go see on someones site
(ie: the mills thing, the speedy thing) who is closely related to the
artist, if not the artists actual site. for those coming in from out of
town, i understand why discussion about the fest is happening. if i were
going overseas to a festival that had such uncertainty, id be doing the
exact same thing, in this exact forum! i just feel that we should only
discuss CREDIBLE information on here.

the reasons im in such a tizzy is this:

1: i just visted the technotourist afterparties fourm and there are things
posted in there that the promoters themselves havent even announced yet.
hawtin @ necto and speedy j @ envy (of all places...). im not sure of the
other things posted, if they are speculative or not, but even our weekly
"untitled" @ the shelter has been posted, and the contact is set for
someone who isnt even part of the night! not that we dont appriciate the
promotions or anything, thanks! but it is because of everyones
speculations mostly on this list that all this misinformation is getting
thrown around. if a moderator from detroit is needed, i volunteer myself
for the job.

2: -joe: keep on "begging your way into for free" to paxahau parties, and
im sure those guys are gonna hit the end of their rope and STOP doing
parties. they have consistantly LOST more money than you could possibly
imagine on thier events. it is because of people with your attitude (and
you are BY FAR not alone on this one)  that
most good things in detroit come to an end... lack of monetary support. i
traded in CDs to go to times square for their last event, and I DONT EVEN
LIKE DAVID ALVARADO! i have played for those guys, and they are my
friends, and i expected nothing from them besides for them to throw a
quality event(s).

to everyone else: sorry if my email is ranty and bitchy. i dont mean to
come out of lurking only to flame, but i felt this needed to be addressed.
im excited for the festival too. concerned as well. but when rumors start
flying around about whats going on, and expectations get too high, then
the fest ends up cluttered.

lets all just be patient. well all see soon enough what is (or isnt) going
to be happening downtown memorial day weekend.


On Tue, 22 Apr 2003, [-[-]-[]-[|]-] wrote:

> so is there a paxahau party I can beg my way into for free this year? :D
> -Joe

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