..:: Electronic Music Pioneer Dies ::..
: Thursday, 24 April 2003
: Written by Nicole Hill

Dr. Emmanuel Ghent, a psychoanalyst and composer of electronic music, passed
away after a heart attack at 77 years of age on 31 March.

Ghent tinkered with computer systems at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to
generate music in the 1960's, while on a Guggenheim Fellowship. He adapted a
speech synthesizer so that it would produce electronic music, and later
developed that system to include synchronized lighting effects. His idea was
to coordinate changing light patterns during theater dance works. He is
known for a piece called "Phosphones" which, according to the New York
Times, was performed 100 times during his life.

Later, Ghent became a professor at New York Univeristy where he attempted to
broaden the field of psychoanalysis.

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