Hi Everyone,

My name is Ramon and I'm from Miami, FL. I've been reading the list for about a month now and I think its finally time to post. I really like this place its full of intelligent people discussing intelligent music. I can't say Miami has the biggest Techno scene, but we do have some pretty special people trying to make one. More on that later. I also write for Resident Advisor, my first piece was with Slam. Here's a link http://www.residentadvisor.com.au/features.asp?ID=262 .. Let me know what you guys think and let me know what direction or people should be featured next. I'm focusing more on people who don't get the credit they deserve and or just blowing my mind with amazing music. Expect the next couple of interviews to be a little of both. In the future I'll post what records are doing it for me and what not. Thanks for providing me a place to be educated about this under appreciated form of electronic music.

Last not but not least I run an ezboard dedicated to techno music. You can check it out at

I'm always looking for ideas for it so feel free to contact me on how to improve it.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend.

Ramon Crespo

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