On Wed, 7 May 2003 18:09:07 -0500, "Matthew MacQueen"

> > im looking for a track called
> > -Unspecified Enemies   Multi Original Tracking Unit
> The artist is Counterattack -- great techno stuff but
> from late 90's if I recall...  might be hard to track
> down and I doubt it would get repressed again.  And
> it's "Multi ORDINAL Tracking Unit" (full spotter mode
> here).  
> peace
> Matt MacQueen

Yes. Tough electro/techno in a Drexciya "Positron
Island" kind of way. I won't be parting with my copy. 
All the best with the hunt. It's worth finding. Andrew

albums out now: Sprung (http://bip-hop.com) 
*Canadian electronica album of the year nominee*
More Destructive Than Organized 
Highest Common Denominator (http://pieheadrecords.com)
Physical and Mental Health (http://dialrecords.com) 
74'02 (split with Hypo) (http://tsunami-addiction.com)
check Cognition (http://techno.ca/cognition)
for upcoming appearance and release updates

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