Screw the newer stuff I'll buy it solely for the old stuff.
Speaking of old Suburbane Knight I recently ripped some of the tracks he did
with Santonio Echlos from a Paragon/ Techno City Records compilation to
Technicians Of The Underground Vortex "Vehicle" is pretty funny.

on 5/19/03 7:49 AM, Sean Creen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ken wrote...
>> .... Well I want it solely because I've totally managed to miss "The Art Of
>> Stalking" throughout all the various versions over the years. So no gripes
>> from me about this being only 50% new ...
> The really cool thing about the album is how the old material fits right in
> with the new stuff and still sounds totally fresh. Been playing this a lot
> recently, along with the new CiM and the Double Helix ep on Emoticon.
> BTW, I'm going to see Radiohead tonight - totally  off-topic, but I thought
> it might make some of you jealous :D
> Sean.

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