The new mini-museum ("3000 Exhibit" I think is the official name) is now
open upstairs from the S.I.D. store.

<gloat> And yours truly is the first person to sign the guestbook. </gloat>

It's small but it's great.  Gear, records, artwork (I want that little
red book with all the UR artwork, dagnabit), and some bound notebooks
filled with scanned articles going back to around '91 or so.  (Priceless:
"Moby interviews Mad Mike Banks")

The space is beautiful, too.  All that shellac on those nice hardwood

It's open (nominally) from Noon-6.  Go go go - after you buy some gear
downstairs, of course.  (Damn, if they weren't such ballast in my luggage,
I'd sure love to have those huge NSC plates with Shake on one of 'em.)

As for the festival, gotta run - Beltran's on in 10 minutes!  More later ...

        - Greg (Your TechnoTourist roving reporter, from his hotel room)

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