I went to see them last year, just before the release of their album and
they rocked..  The drummer does just absolutely batter them drums...
Everything they do they do loud and hard.. And yet it was so tight....

Loved it...

Ps  live version of ufo rocked

On 28/5/03 2:12 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'm suprised nobody has mentioned this set.
> goddamn was it incredible. liquid liquid was fun, but their manic flailing
> seemed to get away from them occasionally. esg on the other hand was pure
> solid funk. the drummer was easily in the top 3 dance drummers i've heard
> in my life. 300lbs of pure kick-drum thump.  they did it so
> effortlessly, never even breaking a sweat. and their sound is so seminal.
> during UFO, i mentioned to a buddy that it was like getting to go to the
> Paradise Garage and a fugazi concert at the same time.
> ok- i'm getting paid to review the fest, so no more freebees ;)

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