yel:bad ass t-shirts, bad ass sound, great people yelling and dancing.
Wasn't Huren supposed to be ambient? haha great set.
Loved the styrofoam, it was beautiful seeing them all being used at the end of 
the night, THAT is a chill out space!!!
 Stewart Walker stopped at 11 Speedy went til 2, People did hang out in the 
shelter until 3-4 but NO music was played.
I was told they were going to 3, as was the pissed off Vladislav. He was the 
funniest thing of the festival to me. It was Huren or Kemp who 1st told him to 
stop and he kept shrugging and playing and smoking a joint. ALL the security 
came up to him about 3 times, the the last one was like "and  put that damn 
joint out, do you want to get arrested".? Vlad shrugs again, then  s l o w l y 
brings the fader down, watches said guy leave the room, takes a puff on the 
joint, then cranks the fader all the way back up. That's when the guy went 
ballistic with the light. Vlad NEVER put the joint out;)
 Speedy killed it literally one of the hardest relentless sets I have ever 
heard, and I was prepared and warned by all the paxahau crew before. I enjoyed, 
but damn dude give us one of your old classics, PLEASE. Can you imagine what 
would have happened if he could have encored with pullover or something for 
your mind?!?!?! 
  3 re-affirmations of faith nice talented fun people who are my favorite 
D-town peeps: Clark Warner, can anyone not love this guy's taste and infectious 
smile? Derrick Plaslaiko, does this guy ever not have fun? Kevin Reynolds 
(transmat?) holy shize, nice guy and if that c.d. he gave me is all his 
original material, oh my God Matthew Dear you have someone nipping on your 
heels. The best discovery of the weekend was that c.d.!
HOTTTTT! Thanks 
  last but not least getting to spend time in Ricardo Plastlaiko's Twilight 
zone. Yes, they were new PM trax and some new Ricardo Villalobos ones that 
sounded like that. Love the fact that Rich dropped mono-junk on Sahko 3 times 
in 12 hours...and that I have been fukking heads down here with it again. 
Nothing like serendipity.
tschuss Detroit, until we meet again! 

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